Monday, November 09, 2009

Learning the Dhamma

"Don't set up any desires, because the setting up of desire is a deficiency, a hunger. And hunger, no matter when or what the sort, is pain: Hunger for sleep is pain, hunger for food is pain, hunger for water is pain. When was it ever a good thing?"

In my breaks at work, I relax by reading online texts on mindfulness and meditation. I can highly recommend this kind of reading. One very good resource for these texts is The above quote is from the collection of Thirteen Talks on the Practice of Meditation.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Currently reading

Since I started writing this post I finished reading Mr. Pye, but I left it here, just to make the list look longer...

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Monday, April 16, 2007

What do robots dream of?

Reading a Perspective article in Science, or actually reading a Letter responding to the article, brought to my attention once again the research on robot cognition and self-awareness. How can robots be programmed to learn independently? And can they be modeled by our knowledge of human learning?
The article 'Resilient Machines Through Continuous Self-Modeling' describes how a robot can model its own gait, and if it is injured by i.e. removing part of a limb, it can think up new ways of walking by a dream-like process. In the 'dream' it revisits its past experiences and recombines the knowledge to try out new solutions to the problem.

'Resilient Machines Through Continuous Self-Modeling', Science Nov 2006
What do robots dream of?, Perspective article in Science Nov 2006
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick

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