Monday, November 09, 2009

Learning the Dhamma

"Don't set up any desires, because the setting up of desire is a deficiency, a hunger. And hunger, no matter when or what the sort, is pain: Hunger for sleep is pain, hunger for food is pain, hunger for water is pain. When was it ever a good thing?"

In my breaks at work, I relax by reading online texts on mindfulness and meditation. I can highly recommend this kind of reading. One very good resource for these texts is The above quote is from the collection of Thirteen Talks on the Practice of Meditation.

Photo courtesy:

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

How the mind works...

... to forget things. Or rather, to think you did something, and then actually didn't, or the other way round.

Today I was searching through my email to find the reservation code/ the booking reference for my flight ticket to Copenhagen next week. I could not find it. I searched through all my emails, and found one with almost the correct date, but from last year. Finally I realised that the reason that I could not find this email was that I never received it - I never made the booking. Scary to realise that I had browsed the airline website for prices several times during the last month and decided on the flight, but never came round to booking it!

P.S. Luckily it was still possible to get a ticket at not too expensive a price *phew*

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