Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The race for the Oscars

Inspired by this link from a friend, I decided to challenge myself for a race for the Oscars. I want to view all the Oscar nominated films before the Academy Awards on March 7. Even though the project is ambitious, I have chosen to limit it a bit so it wont be entirely impossible, so I will only count the films that are nominated in the categories: Best Film, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress. With this limitation, I only have 13 films left to view before March 7. That should be possible... right?

Image courtesy: Oscar Ramblings

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Danish culture

Trying to catch up on the Danish culture I have missed out on by ignorance or simply by living abroad, I have watched a lot of Danish films lately. Yesterday, reviewing Idioterne, I came to think about how little censorship was and is enforced in Danish media.
Naked people? No problem, show it on the silverscreen, show the kids on primetime TV. Naked people by Lars von Trier? The same... however these characters engage in explicit sex, in broad daylight, 10+ people in the same scene. No big stir, no uproar, except outside Denmark. So I am wondering: does this give Danish culture an image of tolerance, or plain blunt insensitivity?

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Monday, January 05, 2009

The Prestige

Joanna recommended a film to me. A film which she said was actually a better story than the story in the novel that the film is based on (NB: the wiki entry contains spoilers!). Not having read the book, I saw the film, and I enjoyed it. Very exciting plot with lots of twists to it, including even supernatural events that you could not have predicted.

Read about The Prestige at IMDB

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

New York - Part I

Safely arrived in Cold Spring Harbor. I enjoyed the flight, watched Casino Royale, watched the ice crystals forming on the window, watched Step Up, listened to laid back tango, and then I arrived at JFK airport. The shared cab I had booked beforehand came to pick me up at the terminal, and I had my evening meal at Cold Spring Harbor Labs. Most of the evening I spent talking with Celine about dancing (she is into tango) and dance shoes... and a little bit of science.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sneak n Go

The movie yesterday 'Catch a Fire' was extremely good. Now an 8 hour flight is ahead which will probably also include some movie-watching.

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Farlig tiger

Rotterdam Film Festival is finished for this time. Unfortunately, I missed it again, because I chose to dance salsa instead. Yesterday the usual Salsa Under the Bridge was relocated to IMAX instead of Prachtig. Fotos from the party are available at

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